One of our biggest improvements we made as a group was not breaking the 180 degree rule. We ensured we used the rule correctly and in fact it made our final product look better as it flowed better and did not confuse the audience. Also, we varied our camera angles around unlike in our preliminary task where we just used mid-shot throughout. This was a big improvement for us as it involved moving the cameras around and also editing correctly to avoid jump cuts like we did previously. our editing skills progressed dramatically. Our preliminary task was slow paced due to us leaving big unneeded gaps between dialogue. This made it too slow and jumpy and not flow. After understanding how to cut properly and put it together, our final production flowed neatly. This would not of happened if we did not increase our camera skills. We used more advanced cameras as we used the filming studio and needed to ensure we used them to the best of our ability. By using his equipment and using it right, including the microphone, the quality of picture was sharper. In the Preliminary task, we attempted to use tracking shot and it looked unprofessional and jumpy. We knew to avoid this shot in our final product. Due to our general knowledge about the filming studio enhancing, we looked into lighting and dialogue into greater detail. We took more care and attention over writing the script to make it fast and exciting. When organising the final product, we all had a role each and one of my jobs was to create the script. It was a huge improvement to the preliminary task. Lighting was a great tool once we knew how to use it to our advantage. By experimenting with it, we now know how to create different types of atmosphere just from changing the filter or position of lighting.
Overall, my knowledge and experience. my editing skills, camera, script writing, directing and organisation has grown due to this project and i know i am gong to be using these kills later on in life.
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