Thursday, 26 April 2012

The Pitch

The pitch was a chance for us to explain our ideas to the rest of the group and get some feedback. We created a powerpoint demonstrating our ideas for storyline, costume, location and genre of our film. After showing our ideas we asked the group for feedback. We then went away and saw what we could improve in our film to make it even better for our target audience.

First, we explained that our movie genre was 70's cops which includes crime and comedy combined together. We explained how our main character of Chip and Dale are the name of our film to add to the slapstick comedy. This got a good repsonse from our class and they enjoyed the title of our film. We knew that this would not need to be changed. We then went on to explain costume ideas and how this would add to the comedy due to the humourous wigs and mostaches. One feature of our film is the fact that the cops are actually pretty pathetic at there jobs. We explianed how at the start we will demonstrate there specialist skill they both posess and the comedy is they are not very good at it. Our location ideas were easy to pitch as its just an underground basement which is simplistic but atmospheric. We finished the pitch by asking for feedback. This was the feedback we found the most usful:

''I reallly like the comedy parts i cant wait to see it! Remember though that it is a crime film and at the moment you seem to only be concentrating on the comedy part''

This was constructive criticism and we went away and thought about it. How we acted upon this was how we changed the start of our film. To begin with, we would see the criminals around a table talking about money problems, drugs and killing a customer which would not pay up. This would create a completely tense and creepy atmosphere. This was enhancing the crime aspect of the movie. We showed our group the idea and they also believed it was a good idea then to just start with the movie being funny. It also helped with the comedy at the same time as when the cops burst in, it will be totally contrasting and exciting for the audience to watch which is our main goal.

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